Santa Barbara Web Development Experts Help Your Business Grow

Santa Barbara Web Development – Let NEW DIRECTIONS IN COMPUTING, SANTA BARBARA WEB DEVELOPMENT Experts Help Your Business Grow


NDIC is Santa Barbara’s web development experts. We build websites that help your business grow.

Web development begins with a custom website design. You might think your current website is fine and only needs tweaking. However, if you step back and take a look from the perspective of someone that has never heard of your business, does your website design truly reflects the level of professionalism that you want visitors to experience? Does it create the perception of your company is a large, established business or a small mom-and-pop operation? Consciously and unconsciously visitors are going to judge your business immediately based on the level of sophistication of your design. The design is what creates the first impression for people and often it’s a lasting one. Is your site design pleasing, interesting and unique or does it look like a templated site, or worse, like a site created by someone with little or no design talent?

As people become more comfortable with using the internet and companies pour more and more money into their web efforts, the standard gets raised for all companies. A site that might have been cutting edge 5 or 7 years ago now looks like an antique. The past few years have marked a growth in sophistication in both web development and consumer taste. You need a website that can stand up to or beat your competition.

The next phase of development has to do with building the functional parts of your website. Are you going to use a content management system? Will you have a shopping cart or e-commerce system? A requirements document that outlines all the programming functionality required for the site must be developed and then this programming must be completed. Good web development follows a strict structure of planning, developing, testing and deploying.

Finally, the design is merged with the development to create the beta version of the site. This near-final version is tested, bugs are fixed and then it is deployed to the live server.

As Santa Barbara web development experts, we go a step further. What most companies really want is more business from their website. It’s a marketing tool, so it should generate more prospects and more customers. We bring knowledge in how to drive traffic to your website as well as how to convert that traffic into leads. You can have the most sophisticated, content-rich, visually appealing website on the planet. But, if no one visits, it is not worth much. NDIC brings a toolbox full of SEO strategies, email-marketing tricks, and other essentials in making your website a popular place to visit.

In terms of ongoing management, we are here to help. However, most of our customers find that they are able to largely manage their site themselves through the CMS and other tools we provide or recommend.

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