NDIC Response to COVID-19


Dear NDIC Customers, Partners and Community,

Amidst the uncertainty and concern that COVID-19 has brought into our lives, both from health and economic standpoints, we wanted to reach out and let you know that our hearts and thoughts are with you.

After we took stock of our own situation and ensured that our team was safe and our business could continue to be operational, our next thought was how we could help our clients and community. Things are changing so fast that ideas that we had only days ago already seem meaningless, however one thing is clear to us – communication is key during times of uncertainty.

As consumers of other company’s products and services, I imagine we can all relate to the need to know basic things like “Are you keeping normal hours right now?”

So, as companies, it makes sense for us to have a strategy to communicate to our clients regularly and efficiently in response to the rapidly changing business environment. The obvious way to do this is through our websites so we don’t have to do it dozens of times per day via phone or email. This only works, however, if the message on our websites is obviously new and up-to-date, so it doesn’t leave any doubt about whether the information is current.

A great solution for this is a thin colorful horizontal banner that displays at the top of your website. We have identified a free WordPress plugin that makes it easy to add this to your site. You can see a sample of this banner on our own site at https://www.ndic.com. The plugin is called Popup Maker and you can find it here. If you would like help implementing this, please let us know. Also, if you need assistance sending an email blast to customers, we can help with that as well.

There is so much information and speculation going around right now that it can be difficult to know what is accurate. The best we can do is to try to use reputable and authoritative sources and to question and double-check any information that we can’t clearly trace back to reputable sources. Social media can be a boon during these times to keep us connected and informed but misinformation, both innocent and intentional, spreads just as readily on social media as factual information.

Please be safe and stay healthy.

Masen Yaffee, President
New Directions In Computing


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